Not sure if I understand what's going on?

I've been with my unborn childs dad for 3 years now.

I've always asked for effort on his end.

I want mostly consistency.

He knows birthdays and holidays are important to me.

On new years while we weren't together... again...
He complained or mentioned how "do we really have to spend every holiday together". As he makes sure to spend it with HIS family.. yet swears up and down I'm his. Again, feeling second when it comes to people who do absolutely shit for him lol

I feel I put ALL the effort into... us.

He helps pay my portion of the Bill's when I needed him to. Runs my feet when I need him. He does things when I ask and its cool.

But I reall want him to do things for me when i dont. And i understand people arnt mind readers..

But if you're hungry... why can't you cook? For the both of us? I'm at work 9 hours and come home to nothing while your home unemployed...

Yes I love you went to a job interview but can you show me some appreciation. Like maybe cook or clean something when I dont ask you?

I was going to finally leave him August. But I wound up fucking pregnant.

I thought we could make it up.

The reason why I'm pissed off again. I had him run my feet but it went from squeeze my feet too hard to soft to pinching my skin. I freaked out at him. He looked shocked and went to bed.

I tell him all the time be gentle on my feet and he can't even do that

He can't meet my needs and I give him so many fucking chances.

The only things he does for me is fix my car. he's a mechanic but that only really befits him and his group page on facebook.

I'm such a down ass supporter for him but he gives me zero effort and on top of things I'm mad he's still unemployed. We have a baby here in 3 or 4 more months. He told me how this would never happen. I'm pretty over it tbh

Kinda just need some advice if you got it.

My therapist says to stay he loves me


Not sure if I understand what's going on?
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