Is he attracted to me or am I misreading his actions?

Ok I'll try and keep this short and to the point. First off I've been single a really long time and I tend to be oblivious to when a guy seems to like me in any way. So I'm more asking this to see if I'm correct that he does like me in some way or if I'm just wrong... lol

So we work together (not the best situation, I know) but anytime he passes by my desk he looks at me. On his way in or out for the day? He looks at me. On his way to break? Looks at me. He stands close to me when we talk (or as close as he can since I'm at my desk) or watches me when I walk past or around him. He made up a random reason for me to go with him to check on something once and he walked almost right next to me the whole way there. And then we were having a group conversation and he moved from the one side of our little circle to the side I was on and stood next to me. Not like RIGHT beside me, but we easily could've took like two steps and been right next to each other. There are other things too but I don't wanna fill this whole thing. So am I misreading or am I possibly correct that he's attracted to me in some way?

Is he attracted to me or am I misreading his actions?
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