He talks a lot about his ex or Im being dramatic?

So... we went to a restaurant and he says

I bet the waitress doesn't even remeebr me, i used to come here a lot and eat. That bitch (his ex) probably talked shit about me to her

I remember sitting here watching football and getting into argument with my mom, because tbat bitch said some lies about me to my mom

... ok then we go to his doctor, who is family doctor and he knows his ex as well. Says i hope i won't see here here... she must go every Monday to check he addiction (she id heroin addict)

Yeah so uhm... basically. every place we went today, remiend him of her and he spent time telling me stories rwlated to the place with her

We end up talking about her or me listentirn to

1 y
Sorry for typos
Not my fault
He talks a lot about his ex or Im being dramatic?
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