Why do we have to be so careful with SOME men too express a concern?


Throughout the years, I always hear men saying “women are so emotional, so sensitive” which yeah, we are more emotional beings but how about SOME men?

Why can’t we be direct and call a guy out for his shortcomings, why do we have to tiptoe and use very careful wording? Doesn’t that make men just as “sensitive” if they can’t handle being told that something they’re doing is displeasing?

If I have an issue I would like to just be plain and direct like “hey can you start picking up your stuff off the floor, it’s annoying that I have to pick up behind you” without the guy going into a spiral of defensiveness and becoming argumentative and borderline yelling at me and some how making it my fault lol.

I always hear, you must use I sentences and be very careful that it doesn’t come off as critical or attacking. Why can’t some guys just hear the feedback and converse about it without me having to dumb it down and treat them like a baby? In MY experience it always end up my fault, or they have a billion bs excuses of why they do something that’s easy to debunk.

Men want women to stop nagging, well if we could clearly air out our concerns and be met with maturity then we wouldn’t need to “nag” because we’d be confident that you hear us and are willing to work something out with us.

(please note I said SOME men, not ALL men. I probably have just dated some bad seeds that lack maturity or whatever but if anyone can relate, please give me some insight 😭)

and no I’m not a b*tch, I am extremely understanding and give a million chances. I don’t address them with hostility or with an attitude. I say it nicely, I’m just really direct.

Why do we have to be so careful with SOME men too express a concern?
1 Opinion