Why are guys so confusing sometimes?


So there’s this guy that I’m talking to me and him we’re talking a few months ago and he lead me on and eventually went ghost and one day I was like bro wtf can u tell me what happened like I’ll leave you alone after and he was just like oh I don’t know what I want in my life atm blah blah blah and prior to that he told me he would 95% date me but the other wanted to get to know me better first so I was like okay……but then I let him have it I was like why confuse tf outta me like that then and didn’t text him afterwards. Then a day or two later he said hi and he apologized for his bad communication and just how he confused me etc so I’m like okay we’re good and mind you when I had that argument with him I made a snap like the next day and this man was the first person to add me as a friend and I added him too I didn’t wanna be petty but I was so confused after he apologized too like why’d u lead me on

then eventually we ended up having a sexual relationship and like he said he wants to be friends with benefits and friends for now and he’s not sure what he wants in life but he clearly likes me more than just a friend like he gets jealous when other guys talk to me or flirt with me and he does care about me as a person just so affectionate even in bed and the way he cuddled with me afterwards idfk im so confused like why he’s like this fr like I did forgive him the first time after he acted stupid and weird and I put my feelings for him aside and I respected his decision of just wanting a sexual relationship with me atm but I don't know this is really messing me up I don’t even like sex I just said yes so I can be near him or in his life in general I feel like a sick fuck for everything and just depressed about so much shit in life in general and this is just the cherry on top I swear to god

1 y
Like I can tell I’m in love with him I’m just hiding my feelings because I don’t wanna get hurt again I can’t deal with this
Why are guys so confusing sometimes?
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