Why doesn’t he look at me as we’re having a conversation?

We met in church and his first day at the church a month ago up until now we would have great conversation except one Sunday he didn’t sit next to me. However, since then he’s taken initiative to sit next to me every Sunday or we would cross paths in Sunday school before church which lead us to sit next to each other. At this point I do like him as a person so far and I can say that I have a crush on him. I like our conversations and I look forward to seeing him every Sunday.

In the beginning I was timid and couldn’t make eye contact and we would both look away during conversation. Now I’m a bit comfortable now and I look at him when we’re walking side by side or sitting next to one another. I noticed that he never looks at me ! He’ll glance or look at me from his peripheral vision throughout the entire conversation.

I’m curious as to why he never looks at me in conversation?
1 y
I’m into allowing a situation to unfold organically so I’ll allow everything to unfold because I’m not much in a rush. On the other hand, it’s hard to tell if he’s looking at anything involving me. The only time he looks directly at me for a long period of time is when we’re in a group setting with different people and I’m talking to the group.
Why doesn’t he look at me as we’re having a conversation?
2 Opinion