Is it possible that daily prolonged tickling, hugging unnecessary touching refusing to let me hide my face can be signs that he romantically likes me?

The man I love and dated for a few months before he got sick, said months ago that he isn't sure we will ever get back together. However, he has steadily moved on to constantly hugging me, daily sometimes for hours long tickling me, random unnecessary touching my arm or my back, rubbing my neck, brushing my arms up and down the sides like he is trying to warm me up before I walk home in the cold. He refuses to let me hide my face when I laugh from him tickling me because I feel ugly and silly. Constantly tells me he thinks I'm beautiful. Something I can't belive myself. We often walk down the street holding hands or hugging as we walk. He even playfully tugs me back when I try to pull away. There are friend hugs and then there are something more hugs. I can't tell if he knows the difference. He ensures I eat and sleep, texts and calls. We bearly go a day apart or not in contact. However, he hasn't kissed me, or said he has changed his mind. It's SUPER complicated because his illness effects memory, knowing his own feelings, picking up on other's feelings, and even physical elements, therefore I'm not sure if all I stated above hints he might still be romantically interested or if I'm just wishful thinking. Sometimes I feel so foolish because logically he could be in love with me or interested in me but isn't ready for more yet because of the way things are for him health wise. Then there is a strong chance I'm just a huge fool. Any advice would be appreciated.

Possibly romanticlly interested in me
No. I'm just a big fool seeing what I want to see
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Is it possible that daily prolonged tickling, hugging unnecessary touching refusing to let me hide my face can be signs that he romantically likes me?
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