What are these signs my guy friend is giving me?


So there’s this guy I like and he likes me. But we’re not official. We make a lot of eye contact and his eyes sparkle so much when we do. It’s like he’s looking way down into them instead of just at them almost. But the most recent thing is the other day. I’d been in play clothes. Dri-fit kind of shirt, athletic swimming kind of outfit. Anyway. I went to change clothes for church. And I did it out Americana for the Fourth. American nice shirt, jean skirt, red white and blue necklaces, etc. When I came around the door frame, his eyebrows went up for a second and his face kind of lit up. What was that reaction? Take into account how he normally looks at me. And that we’re not official. What does this mean? Is he crushing? Is he amused? Is he in love? What does this mean? TIA 🙏🏻

What are these signs my guy friend is giving me?
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