Why does my guy friend give me such a hard time?


My guy friend and I share a very close relationship with him. We're almost like siblings, best friends in a way. He is a really really sweet guy however I've noticed that he gives me a really hard time about anything and everything. He likes to mock and tease me a lot as well.

Him giving me a hard time for example could range from the way I speak, to the way I walk, my mannerisms or anything and everything that revolves around me. I never catch a break. ever. At times it is funny but he has a tendency of overdoing it.

I've noticed that I'm the only female friend he acts this way towards but he never does this to our other mutual female friend let alone other girls in general.

I get the brunt of it all.

I have tried to casually ask him why he does this but it's either I never get a straight answer or he becomes dismissive.

I'm curious as to why and is this a sign that he subconsciously dislikes me?

P. S we're college students.

Why does my guy friend give me such a hard time?
4 Opinion