Guys, Does my boyfriends friend have a crush on me?


This may sound messed up but I don’t need judgment just an answer I think my boyfriends friend is crushing on me and I’m crushing on him too (boyfriend and I not doing good haven’t been for a long time) I think he likes me because I catch him staring at me a lot he holds deep eye contact when we talk to each other he laughs at all my jokes and we even have little side jokes he’s also extremely polite in little ways that I’ve only had guys who were interested in me do and he tries to always be helpful more than my boyfriend at first I just thought he was being really nice I kinda get hot and cold signals from him sometimes but I also noticed if I catch him staring at me and smile he will smile back and he definitely tries to make me laugh but I feel like he doesn’t want to make a “real” move because of my boyfriend honestly I plan on breaking up with him weather his friend likes me or not but I’d like to shoot my shot after we break up but I’d like at least some confirmation he may like me too before I do or I’d rather not

Guys, Does my boyfriends friend have a crush on me?
4 Opinion