I always feel like the guy I’ve been talking to for 8 months is doing things behind my back but I don’t know if it’s because I have trust issues?

We were exclusive for a while and then we ended and I left for vacation he would reach out while I was away asking me random questions then would just stop talking to me about 2 weeks ago he reached out again and faced times me and now we’ve been texting for a while and he tells me he wants to take me out when I get back. I just don’t want to go threw the same situation with him over and over again and I don’t want to continue speaking to him if he’s getting with other girls and talking to other girls. But I don’t know if Im just being paranoid because why would he constantly reach out to me and text me if he didn’t like me and I’m not even in the same county as him. So it’s not like he can get anything from it right now
I always feel like the guy I’ve been talking to for 8 months is doing things behind my back but I don’t know if it’s because I have trust issues?
17 Opinion