Does it seem like my guy friend may like me beyond friendship?


He was performing in front of a large crowd. Me, as well as other mutual friends of ours, were in attendance to show our support. He took time to publicly name me. I didn't go up with him or anything, but he wanted me to sit in front and he told the whole crowd who I was. He did not call me a friend either. He didn't say "this is my friend ____" or anything. He just used my name. He asked if everyone there had met me yet (he said "have you all met _____ yet?"). Of course, some people had not. He said I was a sweetheart and people should meet me.

He is also VERY huggy towards me. He will give me at least 2 hugs every time we see each other, sometimes 3 or 4. When he hugs me, it's with both arms and is very close/tight. He will hold me a lot, especially when it comes time to say goodbye. He also likes to place his hands on my waist even when we aren't hugging. If we are talking, it isn't uncommon for him to just have his hands on my waist as we talk. He has complimented outfits I've worn and perfume I wear as well. He will keep his eye on me too (one time I got up without saying anything and he came to find where I went when he noticed I was gone).

If he doesn't see me for a bit, he immediately calls it out and comments on how it's been too long since we were together last and always says something about wanting to change that and make it more of a routine to see each other more regularly.

Mutual friends will ask if we're "just friends" and other things like that. Once someone random outside of our group even asked if I was his girlfriend.

The only oddity is he doesn't text me. Ever. We have each other's numbers, but he does not text me. He isn't a major technology person, but I know he texts SOME (like family). So I'd assume he'd probably want to text me on occasion if he really did like me.

Does this sound like he likes me more than a friend (despite the lack of texting)? How can I be sure without coming right out and asking (don't want to directly ask yet).

Does it seem like my guy friend may like me beyond friendship?
4 Opinion