Does america have an obsession with genital mutilation?


I saw this clip of a woman complaining that a transgender with "fully intact genitals" was able to enter the woman's locker room.

First of all: if he did anything he would get 20 years to life in prison. Secondly, he probably didn't even fucking look at you two girls. Thirdly, if he did, he would be what, the millionth guy to see your body? Besides all the other guys on onlyfans, or the guys at the gym you wear skintight underwear to...

It reminds me of when women would complain about a free black man in town so all the men would be like OMG PROTECT HER, and lynched a man.

The fact is, a man can be born with a female brain. Meaning they feel female. Meaning they don't belong in a males locker room.

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8 mo
Men who can do calculus suddenly can't think straight enough to see how insane hating on transgenders is in a FREE country, because "my daughter will be exposed"—to what thousands of men have sent her in her DM online? I don't give a fuck about your daughter, that's your job. If you don't like freedom, move. If you'd rather live in Nazi Germany or Taliban Afghanistan than make your mind up and MOVE. To Dubai. Like Andrew tate your god.
8 mo
Have you never considered transgenders hate themselves so often bcause they have to decide between pretending they feel male, or pretending they weren't born with a penis? Maybe the real problem is with society, with you, not them?
Does america have an obsession with genital mutilation?
2 Opinion