Why would a man threaten to break up every week and consistently ghost his girl?

My boyfriend of over a year has been doing this pretty much since we first started hanging out. But it’s been getting worse lately and I’m not quite sure why.

I initially thought that he was schizophrenic when we first started hanging out, but now I believe he’s either suffering from narcissism or possibly BPD. He fits a lot of the criteria for both of those, but that’s neither here nor there at this point.

he will get pissed off over the tiniest thing, often times it’s something that’s not even true and just something he’s imagined in his head. He’s always thinking that I am the biggest ho in the county and that I’m cheating on him with a dozen guys at the same time.

but I am devoted to him moreso than I should be, considering how he treats me. But at least once a week now he will threaten to break up with me and call me every bad name he can think of and tell me to go enjoy f*cking all the d*cks. Sometimes he threatens to block me. I’m not sure if he actually has this time. But he’ll ghost me anywhere from a day to a week to a month and then he’ll come back and act like nothing ever happened.

Why would a man threaten to break up every week and consistently ghost his girl?
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