What should I do about this guy?

This guy seemed interested in me and has been sending me mixed signals. He is hot and cold and I am tired of it. We started out as friends and it seemed like he wanted to get to know the basics of me but after he stopped pursuing and remains friendly.

I tried asking him questions about himself (as friends) but he pushes me away or give me 1 worded answers. He doesn't like to have deep and meaningful conversation nor get to know me anymore.

He pretty much is only interested in chatting to me when he wants to, but when I message him he does not seem interested.

Im tired of his behaviour and I think he just wants to talk to me when he is bored. The last message he sent was a meme saying it was me, and I replied are you bored and he ignored it.

My energy is usually drained after speaking with him because we tease and joke around 99% of the time. Its boring. How can I signal to him I want deeper conversations or he can get the boot?
5 mo
Just to re-clarify he has attempted to start conversations with me and ask me questions about different games I play (shared interest) but I have also not been inclined enough to ask him many questions since in the past he has somewhat pushed me away with comments he has said. Im not really sure if I should give it 1 more go or not. I am honestly just emotionally tired
What should I do about this guy?
9 Opinion