Is there any solving this , will it ever get better?

I dated a coworker for 3 years. Longest relationship both of us have ever had by far. There was lots of arguing and each time we always said we would never speak to each other again , and we always did a few days later.

This particular fight has lasted a week and neither of us have said anything to each other and he told me never contact him again and he wants 0 interaction with me at work (not the first time these things have been said). I’ve caught him staring a few times since but has not budged. Other coworkers have also said he’s been looking.

He is completely ignoring me. Will he ever come around or is it always just going to be awkward like this?
5 mo
By the way we have been broken up for a few months but still seemed to argue as friends. Not looking to get back together.
Is there any solving this , will it ever get better?
6 Opinion