Boyfriend hid messages with his female coworker he knows I am uncomfortable with?


Me and my boyfriend have been dating for four months and we met via work, I however left the job in the first month we began dating because of my boss. In the first few weeks he told me the bosses used to tease him about being with this other girl from work and everything and naturally I was a bit jealous. Throughout he seems to mention her a lot and once I saw she had sent him a selfie on slack and I asked her what it was, he said she’s on her day off. I said okay fine. Then I started teasing him a bit about it and he would shrug it off and say why don’t you trust me I wouldn’t cheat on you etc etc. She was also the one who told him that there could be something in between us (I liked him and he liked me)

this time when he came I was napping while he worked from home and when I woke up there were some messages from her talking about the bosses. When he came he immediately closed the chat and when I would walk by he would close their chat again saying they were work secrets. I got a bit mad and he said I understand how it looks from the outside, you can look at them if you want to, I said no I don’t want to. He also called her boyfriend ugly once and she calls him brother sometimes

Am I overthinking it?

4 mo
He’s also said that even her boyfriend sometimes asks about my boyfriend and hers relationship
Boyfriend hid messages with his female coworker he knows I am uncomfortable with?
1 Opinion