Who was in the wrong here?


I'd firstly like to say I actually don't enjoy drama at work especially when it involves myself, I've been trying to better myself over the months and be a kinder person.

In the summer I met this guy at work his name is ibs. We became friends over are mutual dislike of another colleague but that's the only thing he would talk to me about he just wanted to talk shit about people.

I think it made me a mean person too because he encouraged that shit talking side in me to come out. I started to go off him when he started trying to flirt with me when I'm engaged to another man. My best friend Anna confronted him about this and he went home from work early and started panicking.

We made up and I blow it off but then whenever I told him something in private he'd tell the entire company. It was super annoying and he nearly got me in massive trouble a couple times I started to realise I couldn't trust him.

I know I'm not prefect and I do gossip a lot but only with people I trust and I believed he was one of those people.

Then he started lying constantly about really strange stuff, making fun out of people, being rude and then he made fun out of my best friend and expected me join I'm when she's been having a horrible time lately. I've literally been on the phone with her most times this week whilst she cries her eyes out and he expected me to laugh at her behind her back.

I told my friend what he'd been saying available her and she confronted him. He acted as if he knew nothing of it and never did anything but then told everyone in the company about it and admitted to them what he said about her behide her back. He also keeps messaging me so I blocked him. He's told everyone at work and his also trying to get people to take sides which is so stupid it's like children on the play ground.

I don't want anything to do with him because he's toxic and I'm at work to earn money not bitch with him and he should respect that but now I'm the work gossip.

4 mo
Most people have taken my side not but I care. Some people have said I'm a over sensitive woman but others have said I was looking out for a friend and but my friend should report him to HR
Who was in the wrong here?
1 Opinion