Do all men act this weird and strange? What is up?

Before I start, I’d rather not have comments about how I still communicate with my ex.
I keep adding my ex back on social media platform and this is the third time that he’s added me back and keeps me on there. (He randomly unfriends me out the blue). The third time I added him, he tried to say “oh well I’m just confused why you keep adding me. Why do you feel the need to be in my life or my business?” I tried to explain to him that I do not care enough to be in his life or his business, I just tried being civil because I have no hatred for him breaking up with me 2 months ago. I also mentioned to him, that if he was really confused, why I keep adding him he would’ve asked me the first time and not the third time we added each other and if he had a problem with it, he could easily remove me and add me back. He also watches everything I post on that social media platform that I have him on. He tells me he doesn’t want anything to do with but keeps me on his account and will not remove. I did make it very clear if he had any issues could easily remove me and he did not.
I followed his best friend about three weeks ago on a different social media platform and the same day that I added my ex and he added me back his best friend was watching my account. I have no attraction towards his buddy so please do not say I was trying to do anything with his buddy. When I went to go ask his buddy because I was curious since he did not follow me back why he was watching my stuff, he tried to say “I didn’t know who you were. I seen you followed and was trying to figure out who you were.” Then his buddy blocked me before I could respond. Which was asp a blank lie. My ex has told me before that his buddy knows my full name and knows what I look like from FB and my ex is also talked to him about me. It’s just weird how his buddy was looking at my stuff when my ex said they were hanging out at the same time and his buddy showed him I followed him.
1 mo
He told me he wasn’t mad, but I also told that I had followed his buddy weeks ago, and I had not followed him recently. His buddy is very well active on the other social media platform I followed him on. I check everyday who looks at my stuff and his buddy did not look at my account from the time that I first followed him until the time he blocked me after I messaged him.
1 mo
His buddy does have a girlfriend so I know his buddy wasn’t trying to get with me and I never thought he was. My ex doesn’t say anything when he watches my account. He just watches every little thing that I post which I don’t expect him to say anything, that’s fine. Why exactly keep someone who you claim you want nothing to do with?
Do all men act this weird and strange? What is up?
4 Opinion