Based on this, would you say this guy likes me?


I have a flirty relationship with a male colleague. We told each other that we liked each other on a night out when we were slightly drunk.

Just a brief summary of his flirting: he teases me because he likes annoying me, he does silly things to get my attention, he stares at me, I’ve seen him glancing at my body

The other day, we were sitting next to each other and chatting. I noticed that he kept glancing at both of my eyes and then kept looking at my mouth. He kept doing this repeatedly. We then sat gazing and smiling at each other, not saying anything, for what seemed like ages.

Today, we were joking around and I told him to fight me for something. He then proceeded to stand right in front of me, so close that we were almost touching, and then he stared at me.

Does this suggest that he still likes me?

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Based on this, would you say this guy likes me?
2 Opinion