Does this guy likes or dislikes me, based on the comments he makes about me?

We hang out with the same group of friends. He always makes a lot of comments and considerations about my personality, which annoys me a bit. A selection of things he said about me I can remember about:

- he often compares me to his mother

- He thinks “I know a lot of trivia” (not sure how to take that)

- He tends to think that I’m better at doing things than I actually am

- he sometimes comments my hobbies saying I’m ready to become a mom

- he once commented in a surprised way that I am more playful than he thought I would be

- he’s usually making compliments as to my abilities

- he’s usually very caring with me

- I’m pretty sure he talked to one of his male friends about me and complained that I am too independent as a woman (because his friend called me out about me not letting men be gallant with me and that’s something that I’ve already heard from him)

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Does this guy likes or dislikes me, based on the comments he makes about me?
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