Girls, How do you handle when a big and intimidating man is flirting with you?

This guy is about 6 foot 5 and intimidating. I'm a small woman, only 5 foot 3, and he does these things:

Touch my arm when he walks by me.

Pinch the side of my waist with his fingers

When he does these two things, I just tell him hi. One time, I was having trouble lifting something and he lifted it very easily and helped me.

Another time, I didn't have an umbrella and he sheltered me from the rain and walked with me.

Some time after that, when we were talking he mischievously held my hands behind my back, making my back arch and my shirt raise up, exposing my belly. I felt vulnerable and thought he was going to take advantage of me but he didn't, he just tickled my belly. I'm so small in size compared to him, do you think he likes me?

Girls, How do you handle when a big and intimidating man is flirting with you?
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