Questions: Guy's Behavior

Does my coworker fancy me?

I started a job 7 weeks ago and I work closely with a guy. I’m 28 and he’s 43. We are both married. He always gives me special treatment (makes me a coffee for when I get in the office for example) and I catch him looking...
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Why would a guy heart react to a message sent 5 days ago?

He text me saying I looked good looking on a photo so I said thank you and he’s just heart reacted to it. seems strange as it was days ago.
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Guy rejected me but I don't really understand why he acted that way before?

I had a huge crush on a guy for like two years, we were college friends. He did things like walking me to the bus stop (and then running for his own bus because he was late), would get nervous around me, watched me, and...
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Girls, Ever been with a man that was all talk no action?

Meaning talk a big game but in the end he really wasn’t shit.
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What do you think of the gender bashing on this site? ?

A woman I know went downtown for a winter event, and was too dumb to bring a coat. She was freezing. Three guys flat out offered to give her their expensive coats. I guess you could call that noble or chivalrous. She...
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Why don't a lot of you man up and be real and honest?

If you don't want to communicate with a person, why not just say it and not make excuses. Y'all make it hard. I don't even want to open up anymore... and men be wondering why I be looking so mean. Now I really have a...
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Will this make him mad?

I got rejected by a guy and we agreed to stay friends, i acted cool completepy agreeing with him about the rejection brushing it completely off. We still texted after as friends but i opened and didn't reply to his last...
I got rejected by a guy and we agreed to stay friends, i acted cool completepy agreeing with him about the rejection brushing it completely off. We still texted after as friends but i Show More
He will
He won't
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Guys, what does liking other female pictures on social media mean to you guys?

This is a question more for guys who are in love with their girlfriends or wives. Liking another girls pictures a few times be it more provocative or not does it express a desire for that woman or simple “eye candy” like...
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Which bat are you: The one who always “keeps an eye out” or the one who just “goes for it”?

Keep an eye on your enemies, or just fcking go for it dude!
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So why is he all smiles one minute then awkward and avoids eye contact the next?

There’s a new guy in my department at work. When he first started he seemed overly confident, bordering on being a bit cocky. But in our daily team meetings we kept on catching each other’s eye and looking at each other....
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Sick of my boyfriends new addiction, seriously is there anything I can do?

I asked a similar question but In 5 days the situation is even worse. He's addicted to magic the gathering. Don't bother responding if you think you can't be addicted to a card game... you can. (Blackjack is a perfect...
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How do I make a shy guy comfortable?

How do I go about trying to get to know a shy guy that’s into me. He’s actually a really talkative guy but with everyone and anyone else but when it comes to me he becomes awkward. He’s been making an effort to try and...
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Why did he turn pale when he saw me?

I noticed that a guy who lately has been avoiding me, turned super pale when I noticed him and said hi to him, does he hate me or something? And seemed stressed out maybe he was hoping I didn’t notice him but I did, im...
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Mixed Signals!! ASAP what should ya girl do?

So me and my baby daddy have been messing around I guess you could say for a while. I always thought I was just something of a convenience to him but then he tells me he’s been thinking about us getting together. Is he...
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