FAT is not attractive (to most)


FAT is not attractive (to most)

So I've been here for a few days and after I got a few of my questions answered, I did some browsing and I've seen quite a few responses about body image and the idea that people should accept what they look like etc.

Here's my take on this. There is an astronomical difference between being FAT and being HEALTHY. I really, REALLY, am tired of all of this BS in the media/white knightery where people come and tell other people that they need to change their outlook because fat shaming is wrong.

In my opinion, yes fat shaming is a terrible thing to do. It is just another branch of bullying and there really is no place for it anywhere ever.

But here is the harsh reality ladies and gents. If you are FAT (not healthy) but FAT and it's something that can be considered unhealthy, chances are most people will find you unnatractive. Its just the truth no ifs, ands, or buts, about it. Yes, there are exceptions but lets face it. There are millions more unhealthy overweight people than there are exceptions. They're called exceptions for a reason.

For myself, I was a skinny kid, played sports and eventually had an athletic build through highschool. When college came around i put on more than my fair share of freshman 15. My cheeks puffed up and i went from a six pack to a nice gut. I was eating unhealthy foods, and not exercising. I eventually got my ass out of the cheeto bag and got back in the gym. Even when I'm not having success with women, I still feel good about my body.

It's not rocket science girls/fellas. Working out and eating right makes you feel good. If you don't want to take my word for it, try a google search. Eating unhealthy and being lazy can lead to depression.

When the media posts pictures of curvy women (who i do find attractive, I've got a wide range of what i think is attractive) I think that it is definitely a good thing. However, these types of things are misleading to a lot of people. It gives obese people the excuse to think that because these HEALTHY and curvy women can now be on TV and commercials, that they're in the clear as well and that every guy and girl should just accept them for being obese.

Listen here and I'll say it again, curvy and healthy can definitely be sexy. Being obese is not. On the flip side, seeing a pencil thin girl where i can see her rib cage 24/7 is definitely NOT attractive as well.

I honestly find NOTHING wrong with showing attractive, in shape women on TV. Yes, sometimes it can set poor standards for women but there needs to be some middle ground. Its unhealthy to be too skinny or too fat and neither is attractive.

TL;DR: please everyone stop promoting the idea that it's okay to be fat but at the same time please do promote being healthy. Exercise and a good diet is good for EVERYONE not just fat people, skinny people, curvy, or average people. It's good for everyone.

FAT is not attractive (to most)
43 Opinion