Chin up ladies, having some extra padding aka curves doesn't mean you can't get laid... or find love!

Chin up ladies, having some extra padding aka curves doesn't mean you can't get laid... or find love!

I used to be skinny and fit. Sure I've always been a bigger girl because of my height and bone structure but I used to be skinny. Not bone rack skinny but sexy enough to get checked out and flirted with all the freaking time.

However that all changed when I injured my knee. I was a competitive softball player and the game had been life to me since I was five. When I was told I couldn't play anymore I was devestated. In fact my knee got so bad that by the summer of 2013 I couldn't walk on it for more than 30 minutes. Thanks to the pain, lack of mobility, and depression that set in I gained 100 lbs over approx 9 months. 40 of which I gained in only 2 months.

In the spring of 2014 my boyfriend of five years broke up with me. He said he found me beautiful still but I could tell he was embarrassed by my weight. I hated my body for a long time not just because of how I looked but because of how I felt. The other obstacle I face is my anxiety disorder. Empirical evidence shows that prolonged levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) makes our body hold on to every fat cell it can because it thinks its supposed to be in survival mode. Translation; the body doesn't want you to lose weight.

Now don't get me wrong, the doesn't mean its a get out of jail free card to just say screw it, I may as well be as unhealthy as I want because it won't make a difference. No eating healthy and exercise is actually even more important since diet and exercise can actually help lower stress levels. What it does mean though is that it will take longer than average to lose the weight and for me 100lbs seems daunting.

I had come to believe that I wouldn't be attractive or acceptable to guys until I had dropped a considerable amount of weight. This feeling of not being good enough can actually be soul crushing at times and I have not usually been an underconfident person.

Chin up ladies, having some extra padding aka curves doesn't mean you can't get laid... or find love.
Enter the world of online dating. Every single guy I've met up with has commented on how attractive I am (which they didn't have to) and when asked why the answer is give or take usually the same: confidence. If you enter a room with the attitude that you know you're sexy (though not in an arrogant way) people are more likely to see it too. Now, while hook ups are great (as long as you're being safe and smart about it) I was on the quest for my next true love and although due to circumstances that had nothing to do with our compatibility, I managed to recently have an all too brief encounter with someone I could (and did) have loved and who would have loved me back just as hard.

On our first date we played a get to know each other game where we took turns asking questions to each other. One of the things he asked me was "what is your biggest flaw?" To which I genuinely responded with "my weight". His response of tilting his head back and giving a laugh with the comment "is that all? That's not a problem to me" And in that moment I could tell he was 100% serious. I had never felt so comfortable and beautiful in my own skin as I had in that moment. There I was 5'10" and 260lbs and he was telling me that it didn't bother him. Unfortunately due to family concerns he had to move away and end our relationship but although I was (an still am honestly ) heartbroken he gave me the best gift anyone has given me in a long time. He gave me back my love of myself, regardless of my appearance. Thanks to these experiences I have learned a valueable lesson; people on the Internet that say you're unattractive if you're even a bit overweight are either shallow boys or internet trolls. Sure not everyone is attracted to a curvy woman but the number of guys who are is actually larger than you'd think.

Now you have to keep in mind that there is a vast amount more to being attractive than just how you look. Personality and intelligence play a part too. I mean chances are being a jerk isn't going to get you a call back but my point is this; to all my curvy sisters out there, don't let society shame you or make you afraid to put yourself out there. Try to be healthy but be kind to yourself. There are guys out there that will find you attractive and will fall in love with you regarless of your size and believe me they're worth waiting for. So throw on you're favorite outfit, get out there, and keep trying. One day someone might surprise you.

Chin up ladies, having some extra padding aka curves doesn't mean you can't get laid... or find love!
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