The Perfect Body, Does It Even Exist?


Well, mostly us Women struggle with this, I think we have no Idea how much thoughts and stress we put into this topic.

But do we even realize how much time we devote to negative thoughts concerning our body?

The Perfect Body, Does It Even Exist?

I think we are being conditioned by images of femininity in our society, and I've often struggled to accept the appearance of my body because I relied on certain standards, as in :

The Standard Body Measurements.

What is a standard body anyways? Who in the hell came up with this Rule?

What in the world is wrong with us? Why is it so hard for us to love ourselves unconditionally? Just why??

The Perfect Body, Does It Even Exist?

The reason why is because social conditioning is a very real and very powerful force, we are exposed to a specific series of images in our media that reinforce the attractiveness of an unattainable ideal of female beauty.

We are either too Thick

The Perfect Body, Does It Even Exist?

or too skinny

The Perfect Body, Does It Even Exist?

Obviously, before people bombard me, this has nothing to do with being HEALTHY or NOT HEALTHY.

Being too skinny or too thick does not mean one is NOT HEALTHY.

So, what should we do?

We should accept that society will never be happy with body image, therefore, we should accept ours, and appreciate it, appreciate the fact that we are healthy and alive, appreciate the fact that a skinny leg is skinny but it can still walk, appreciate the fact that maybe we have wobble arms, but we can still hold our purse and shake hands..

The Perfect Body, Does It Even Exist?

Here is my advice:
Compare yourself only to yourself. The world would be a pretty boring place if we all looked the same. There's no point in comparing yourself to others, regardless of whether the person is a celebrity or classmate sitting next to you.

The Perfect Body, Does It Even Exist?

Eat Healthy & Love yourselves

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The Perfect Body, Does It Even Exist?
94 Opinion