Ending The Life of A Human Fetus!


Human fetus is human life. Those who say that a fetus has no rights also mean that it is not a person. But does it have to be a person to be able to have rights to live? There are many creatures living on earth. They are not human being, but they all have some rights!

Ending The Life of A Human Fetus!

Now most people will say that, even the fetus has rights, mother also has rights to give birth to it or not. But is it moral? Is it moral to kill it?

Ending The Life of A Human Fetus!

Well.. when mother wants to give a birth to that fetus, somewhat it becomes so valuable. They say it hears and feels everything. If someone kills it, they will be commiting a murder. But if she doesn't want to give a birth then that fetus will be worthless.

Ending The Life of A Human Fetus!

I think that doesn't make any sense. You can't kill a born baby, but you can kill it if it is in mother's womb. Really doesn't make sense.

Everybody has rights to control their body yet that fetus is another life. It is not your body!

Ending The Life of A Human Fetus!

You may not want to give birth to that fetus because you have been raped, your baby is disabled, or your life is risky. But getting abortion just because you don't want a baby is not moral. If you don't want to have a baby, you should get protected.

Ending The Life of A Human Fetus!
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