Are You Anxious? MyTake On Why Anxiety Is Bad For Your Health

Are You Anxious? MyTake On Why Anxiety Is Bad For Your Health

We've all had anxiety in our life at one point or another, did you ever think to research and see if there was any dreadful consequences to anxiety? Well, here's all the information you'd need to know.


Are You Anxious? MyTake On Why Anxiety Is Bad For Your Health

In the essay How to Tell If Anxiety Is Making You Feel Ill, some of the sickness or pain that you feel is explained. "Scientists believe that nausea, and some of the common feelings of illness, are the result of issues with serotonin and adrenaline, which go haywire when you're suffering from anxiety." If you are suffering with anxiety, you might want to take in what was just said. When you have anxiety, your serotonin don't work the same as when you don't have anxiety. Also, when your adrenaline kicks in, it only makes your heart rate and anxiety quicker, stronger, and all together worse.

Sweet Relief

Are You Anxious? MyTake On Why Anxiety Is Bad For Your Health

Still from How to Tell If Anxiety Is Making You Feel Ill, the pain from anxiety can be treated with the same medicines used for nausea, "Most over the counter medicines that calm the stomach are mildly effective at relieving most of the sick feeling. Even though it's caused by anxiety, some of the symptoms can be relieved with medicines that relieve some nausea." So, anxiety is as much of a sickness as nausea. Anxiety is caused by worry, stress, and many other things. The way you feel sick is different from nausea because when you think you have something such as swollen glands, they aren't actually swollen. "Your body is so attuned to the way you feel that it starts to believe that it feels problems, even though the problems aren't actually there." When you think you are sick like that, you aren't actually, it is just your body being used to the way you feel. "The only way to cure that is to cure your anxiety, and to do that you need to start to understand your anxiety better." You need to understand your own anxiety first and not rely on other people to explain and do things for you. The only way to get better is to care.

Curing Anxiety

Are You Anxious? MyTake On Why Anxiety Is Bad For Your Health

In 19 Natural Remedies for Anxiety, it says that you might not want to use medications right away. There are so many different typed of remedies fo depression, anxiety, and stress. There's Chamomile, L-theanine (or green tea), Hops (It's in beer, but you won't get the same benefits as drinking it), Valerian, Lemon Balm, and EXERCISE! Just being out in the sun riding bikes, swimming, going for a run, it will help you keep your mind off of things. " 'If you exercise on a regular basis, you'll have more self-esteem and feel healthier,' says Drew Ramsey, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry…" You won't only be healthier, you will also feel healthier.

I know I'm no scientist, nor a doctor, I'm not even an adult, but I hope that you can trust I used my sources and I hope this helped everyone who has anxiety or depression.

Are You Anxious? MyTake On Why Anxiety Is Bad For Your Health

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Are You Anxious? MyTake On Why Anxiety Is Bad For Your Health
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