Why am I not losing weight?

I'm 5 feet 2.4 inches and 124lbs.

I was 115lbs but I developed bad eating habits to lose weight (sort of like an eating disorder) and used laxatives etc and just gained weight. I want to lose weight in a healthy way so 2 weeks ago i started a diet.

I jumped rope 5 days (jumped around 2,000 times each time), and ate around 1300-1400 calories. At night before I go to sleep I would do ab exercises and some push ups and planks.

And I never eat junk food ever, and rarely eat chips (around 1-2 times a week), and I eat healthy carbs like fruits and brown rice and whole wheat toast, etc.. and I eat mostly lean meat,.. I don't know what I'm doing wrong...

I feel like I've gained weight instead... i thought it was water weight from my period but it hasn't been disappearing for 3 days after my period.
Why am I not losing weight?
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