How to start weightlifting and body building starting with basic 3 day a week work out?

This may I looked at myself and hated who I had become I was 324lbs. Now I'm at 262 (still big but a huge difference). I've noticed I still have some bulk from when I used to lift in high school and Sporadic phases of weightlifting every other month. But with this new found weight loss I want to start sculpting my body. I don't want to hire a trainer since I'm hardly home (always working and the company campuses have 24 hour fully equipped gyms).

I plan lane to be around 190-205 by next May-June but I also want to build muscle. I've always lifted alone without guidance and I'm not sure if that's stunting my progress.

so far I've gotten wide broad shoulders and I can flex my pecs up and down which surprises people that I'm 262 (guess the muscle helps me look like I carry it well).
im 5'8" about to turn 28 in December and I refuse to go into my 30s into this fat kid I've been since child hood. I want to be lean and muscular. The weight loss at the rate I'm going should be over by next summer but the muscle building would take at least two years.

i work 94 hour weeks. 14 hour days so 3 days a week working out is still pretty ambitious especially since I work on my feet most of the time. Long descriptive post but thank you!
How to start weightlifting and body building starting with basic 3 day a week work out?
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