Should I see a therapist?

I have anxiety attacks during school sometimes and I also have been self harming for the past 2 or 3 years. I saw a counslor for it a year ago but then I still can't stop. I really don't like myself and sometimes I think I deserve to die. I've also starve myself often at least a few times a month. Sometimes in the month I throw up whatever I eat like I did today. I don't think I bullimic though because I don't throw up what I eat all month all though I do complain about my body a lot and when I'm in the mirror I'm always playing around with my stomach fat. I have a lot o scars all over my belly It gets distracting, like during dance class (because we all have to wear a Leo) I got out of it by wearing a tank top instead. I always pay attention to people's body shapes of who's fat and whos not. I have thoughts of killing couples and I envy my sister and her boyfriend. I asked a question about it on her but people were calling me crazy and said I needed help. You think so?
Should I see a therapist?
4 Opinion