Weight lifters... did I fry my CNS or something?

I've been lifting for 6 weeks now. Today I went to the gym to do some bench press. I warmed up, and went to do a set of 145 as a warmup set. I only got 4 reps. Today is my "light high rep" day, of which I planned to do 5 set of 10 of 165. Last week on my "heavy" day, I did heavy (for me) tripples of 185, and afterwards I did a set of 155 for 10. So a week later 145 should be pretty easy lol.

Yesterday I went HAM on legs. I am doing Wendlers 5/3/1 "boring but big" routine. So yesterday I did deadlifts, and the high rep squats 5 x 10. Then I did some deadlift focused accessories because after doing the basic "boring but big" routine I am left feeling like I could do more. So that's what I did! I did yates rows 5 sets of 8-12, romanian deadlifts 2 sets of 20, heavy shrugs for a couple sets of 12 or so, then 4 simple ab excercises for like two sets each. I'm new to lifting still so I suppose it was a lot of shit. I left feeling a little sick but also very satisfied.

Today when I was getting ready to hit the gym I felt like skipping today. But I wasn't sure why. I felt like it was the bitch in me trying to get me to be lazy like it always tries to do. So I said "fuck you bitch" and went to the gym. And thus the crappy bench session I detailed above.

I figured I must be sick and just went home. Then I realized maybe I really fucked myself up with my leg workout yesterday. I don't feel too bad today, just nice and sore all over lol.

What do y'all think? I slept a lot, I ate fine. I'm still going on my newbie gains which I suppose last for a year so I can't imagine just getting weaker all of a sudden for absolutely no reason. I warmed up like I always do. I'm just gonna skip today and tomorrow and try again.
Weight lifters... did I fry my CNS or something?
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