What would a transgender do if they have a serious illness?

Illnesses affect each gender differently, it's not made up, it's a fact. A man may have to take a different dose or different medicine than a woman to cure the same illness. But if you're a trans, what is the doctor supposed to tell you to do? If you're male to female, is he supposed to tell you to take the medicine for men, or for women?

This gender issue is causing problems in the medical field 'cause men and women are biologically different, our brains work differently, despite some people thinking we're the same, and it's causing researchers to stop working on certain things to avoid being labelled sexist. The fact is that neurological issues effect both gender's brain differently, and some may need a different drug for each gender, but with all these gender neutral, changing genders, and all that, what are doctors supposed to do, and also, what are people who have changed genders/identify with a different gender, supposed to do?
What would a transgender do if they have a serious illness?
11 Opinion