Is being overweight always unattractive?

I come across a lot of stories and discussions online about being overweight and how this relates to attractiveness. However, almost all of them are about obese women vs. superslim/fit women...
This bothers me, like there isn't anything in between.

I myself am not very slim, but I'm not obese either. And with me there are many women who look a bit like in the picture below:

Is being overweight always unattractive?

Do you think being overweight like this ^ is unattractive?

How much overweight does someone have to be to be considered unattractive?

I myself am uncomfortable with my weight, so I'm already busy doing something about it. So please don't post stuff about that I should lose weight or that I should just be happy with myself or whatever. Just focus on the question, please... BewarenBewaren
It depends.. (please comment)
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Is being overweight always unattractive?
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