Does this sound like a good plan?

I really want to get in shape! Right now I'm 5'7 and 120 lbs (idk if that's over weight or what?) but I don't like my body

The main things I want to do is:

- firm up my arms, they seem kind of big and the bottom is a little saggy

-tone my stomach, I don't have abs at all

-tone my thighs, like my arms they seem kind of big and bulky and the inside of them is kind of flabby

-and then work on my chest area and try to get a curvier butt if possible.

I haven't been working out much lately, but do you think 15 to 20 minutes of cardio on an elliptical and some squats, sit ups, and push ups would help?

Please help :)
Does this sound like a good plan?
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