My dad and his health...

My Dad and I never really talk all that much...but I cannot help but be concerned for the sake of his health. He recently retired and his eating habits are far from nutritious. He drinks, a lot. For as along as I can remember he hasn't gone one night with out a beer. He also eats a lot...which isn't unusual he's a guy after all. But it's what he is eating is what I am so concerned about. A few months ago he went to a nutritionist because his cholesterol was sky rocketing. In short they told him to start eating healthy. This lasted for about two weeks, and he even gave up beer. Then he slowly started to go back to his old habits. His diet mainly consists of processed foods, fattening foods...and his beer. He never exercises. The last week I've watched him down a big bag of chips EVERY NIGHT. I don't understand how he's ended up like this. When he was younger, he used to exercise, eat right, and looked pretty good. Now, he's just lazy. (But that's another story) In fact he used to judge my Mum and sister constantly. (They both have weight issues.) He used to say stuff to me like, "Don't eat that or you'll end up like Mummy." How can I approach this to him. I tried talking to it with Mum but she says, "his problem not mine." My Mum has issues with my dad. (Again, another story.)

My dad and his health...
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