Distant from my dad?

I love my dad so much but we don't have the closest relationship anymore. We are much distant now, even tho we live in the same house. It's hard to even have 1 simple conversation like hello or goodbye, it's always light and superficial. But I've always admired him and seen how good of a person he is, so kind, caring, protective. He's a good example of a what a real father should be like to me.
I know he does struggle with some things like his health is not the best and he's a workaholic so just sitting at home relaxing makes him uneasy, I don't know how to help him or tell him that it's okay to stay home and do nothing. He desperately needs that. I swear it's like he only gets 1 day if that to himself and then back to work again... I don't know how to help him or bring up the convo. Or maybe he is fine I don't know
Distant from my dad?
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