Guys, How fast do you move on after a 3 year relationship from someone you love and thank for positively Influencing your life?

Me and my ex broke up last summer, next month would be a year of us breaking up. I did the breakup because his dad is a narcissistist and I found out later from my mom, who finally admitted to me, that my dad was manipulating me and gasligthing me so I can depend on him so my dad can fill his own Insecurities. This caused me to get depressed, also I noticed we were following unhealthy relationship habits (one was dealing with another woman, not voluntary for my ex, but forced by his dad since his dad was trying everything he could to get rid of me cuz I am not "what he wants for his reputation". And the second was my habit of putting my ex responsible for my inability to stand up for myself and emotions... And my ways of "stayong quiet to maintain peace, even if that means tolerating abuse"). So I decided to breakup with him because it hurt me to see him try for me to be happy when I didn't had the energy to do anymore. We left still loving each other, I told him I needed to heal not just our brekaup but me, and I said "maybe we can try when we both mature and I am strong enough to deal with your dad".

Fast forward to NC, and breaking NC. First times I reach out to him pouring out my heart and at the time he was distant (obviously hurt).

The second time he reach out in September-October, and we ended up kissing and holding hands. He tried to kiss again for the second meet up but I refused, since he was saying hurt he was and he would maybe download tinder (he never used it). Then he got mad at me and went for no contact.

In March he reach out to me and we started taking as "friends" but he wanted to let me know he is moving out on how own and if we could try again (I wanted to but I didn't felt healed yet, I just stopped feeling hurt from the breakup but still didn't heal to what originally broke me down).
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Next was in April when he showed me his apartment through Skype. There he said "I wanted you to be part of it because I thank you for helping me get where I am today, you helped me get in the right path and not many people positivity influence you and just wants the best for you."

Last time I reach out last month to just wish him happy birthday, he said thank you. I wnated to talk more but I was unsure if I should. And right now I am missing him and overthinking that he is moving on
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So my question is... Can a guy move on if he has this feelings for a girl?

I have tried to not be manipulative and controlling to him and I told him "I don't want you to just wait on me, I want you to live life. You will learn so much about yourself now that you are living on your own and right now I am not ready to date anyone, at all because I have my own baggage to deal with".

He said he wants to go to my graduation (in December) would it be too long to wait or he would moved on by then?
Guys, How fast do you move on after a 3 year relationship from someone you love and thank for positively Influencing your life?
4 Opinion