HELP why did my face and neck and whole body turn red and itchy?

HELP why did my face and neck and whole body turn red and itchy?

I was out all day in my car, I was fine just had few red marks in my boob area but when I got home at night I took a shower and ate a bean burrito that I always eat. And once I layed in bed I got super itchy and my whole neck and face is red. Yesterday boyfriend came to visit and he got bit on his arm he said it’s a mosquitoe he had a bump. Even my scalp is itchy past week. Last week I got bumps itchy on arms and feet now today it’s like a rash I tried take pics my whole neck and face is red. Gunna ask my doctor what this is

HELP why did my face and neck and whole body turn red and itchy?
HELP why did my face and neck and whole body turn red and itchy?
HELP why did my face and neck and whole body turn red and itchy?
HELP why did my face and neck and whole body turn red and itchy?
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