Do you take cold showers?


Flood always jessed up the furnace so it’s cold shower rod 🤢 I’m TRYING to be posit be make the mist out of it but ffs three in a row gets old. I’m ok with the cold but if it could just be a few degrees less cold so it didn’t stab you know?

I do I love it
I do I hate it
I do it but not by choice
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9 mo
😳 Om# it was only 8 minutes ? I

Could’ve handled more pain wise, but I suddenly remembered my temp drops fast and I worried about
hypothermia and jumped out but I thought I’d been 12-15 minutes.

a 🕷️ I had to worry about bc I didn’t want it drowning but I couldn’t spend too much time on it & it KEPT jumping in 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m I like LISTEN BUDDY it’s f’ing COLD in here move it or you’re gonna die!!! (I don't know if true)

Stubborn little f’er- I had to toss it over the rails.. hope it’s ☹️
Do you take cold showers?
34 Opinion