How long can you STAND on ONE LEG?

How long can you STAND on ONE LEG?

One sign of good health is your sense of balance, which can be easily tested by standing on one leg. Researchers say the ability to stand on one leg for at least 10 seconds can be an indicator of your overall health.

So... how long can you stand on one leg?

Please select your answer in the poll below, and feel free to leave a comment.

FYI, I can stand on one leg for about 5 minutes.

I immediately fall over if I try to stand on one leg
less than 10 seconds
10 seconds
10 seconds to 1 minute
1 minute to 5 minutes
more than 5 minutes
Something else - please tell us
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
6 mo
According to the poll results, most G@Gers are healthy... at least when it comes to balance.
How long can you STAND on ONE LEG?
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