I’ve decided to completely to completely cut out junk food, will this help lose weight? Has anyone else completely cut out unhealthy food on here?


I’ve normally eat relatively healthy. At times I’ve gone off track on and off for a few months. But I am back on track now. I’ve been eating fresh cooked dinners and lunches and I have porridge for breakfast. I still feel like I wasn’t incorporating enough fruit and healthy snacks. I tend to snack on cereal bars a few times a day, they are like honey nut biscuit bars and I’ll have a packet of pop chip crisps a day that’s the most unhealthy foods I eat.

I have decided to take a step further and cut those biscuit bars and crisps completely. I’ve always had a weakness for “biscuits” and realise this could be preventing me from weight loss goals. Yesterday I bought more fruit, carrots, edname and hummus to replace these snacks. Is this a good thing? I am also training for a 10k run and a half marathon this year so I feel like clean eating will help with recovery from exercise but also I want to see the results from training!

I’ve decided to completely to completely cut out junk food, will this help lose weight? Has anyone else completely cut out unhealthy food on here?
7 Opinion