How are you staying or getting in shape this summer?

Curious to see what other people are doing to get in shape tho summer.

-For exercise everyday I do Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD.

-For breakfast I have vanilla greek yogurt with raw sliced almonds.

-For a snack I have a nutrigrain bar.

-For lunch I have vegetarian lunch meat with veggie chips or vegetarian lunch meat wrapped in lettuce with a slice of cheese and veggie chips.

-If I'm hungry still, I snack on veggie sticks.

-For dinner I have vegetarian tuna salad on triscuits or a whole grain rice with egg whites for a stir fry or a diet protein shake.

-If I'm craving something sweet, I'll have some cottage cheese with mandarin orange slices.
How are you staying or getting in shape this summer?
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