How can I keep my teeth cavity-free?

I brush and floss every day.

My diet isn't high in sugar or acidic foods/drinks.

I take a multivitamin, includes everything plus D3, so I'm getting plenty of calcium between that and milk and yogurt.

I use ProNamel from Sensodyne, thinking maybe I had weak enamel.

I don't have any disease that would cause these issues, no dry mouth or gingivitis, etc.

None of that seems to matter. My teeth are still CONSTANTLY riddled with cavities. I'm so tired of tooth pain and even more tired of having to come up with hundreds of dollars (that I never have) every time I visit a dentist.

Do you have any tips?

Anyone else have this issue?

Any help will be greatly appreciated :-)

How can I keep my teeth cavity-free?
28 Opinion