Ladies, why do you NOT make eye contact to a guy walking by?

So ladies, if you're walking past a guy or a guy is walking past you...or you're both walking past each other, and you look straight/away/down the entire time, deliberately avoiding eye contact as you are the only 2 people in the area, is it definitively because you don't want him to talk to you? Is it some social norm you that you think is expected - not to acknowledge strangers? Is it shyness? Is it because you're pretentious?

I'm not asking why ladies do this in general, I'm sure it differs from girl to girl. Just curious about YOU posters specifically.
+1 y
It's interesting to see the variety of answers given. Predictable (shyness, lack of interest, focused elsewhere, avoiding awkwardness, intimidation, etc), but a nice good variety.

Makes me curious how many guys would just answer this with some generalizing, cynical answer, i.e. "she's stuck up" or "she's not interested."
Ladies, why do you NOT make eye contact to a guy walking by?
45 Opinion