How many places do you call "home"?

As for me, I lived in my birthplace for the first 9 (almost 10) years of my life before moving to where I live now. So, that's my hometown, the rest of my family still lives all around there and everything. But, as much as I hated growing up where I currently live, I can't deny the fact that this place has been my home for almost 20 years and I'm kinda going to miss it when I move back to the city in a couple months. I won't miss everything, just specific things that you can't get in the city. 😅

But what about you guys? Is there a particular place that you call "home"?

Just one place
More than one place
I'm a rolling stone, wherever I lay my hat is my home
What is "home"?
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How many places do you call "home"?
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