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19 d

I think I will break off my engagement. Is it okay to do that?

Absolutely that's all right. Too many people enter too easily into marriage. And entering it, and leaving it, has huge impact on one's life. Do everything you can to not rush this, and to be sure... Break Up & Divorce

19 d

Is emotional cheating worse than physical cheating?

There is no one, de facto definition of cheating. It's wildly open to individual interpretation. Or, at least that's what people think it is, open to their own, personal interpretation. It's about... Relationships

1 mo

Do you find this famous picture controversial?

I've heard about this controversy. No, I think the photo is an interesting piece of history, and it should not be demonized because culture has changed. Also, this is a tightly cropped image. The... Relationships

2 mo

Is it weird to ask a man what his feet look like?

Foot fetish guys would love this. Ask. You are highly coveted by them. Dating

2 mo

Which year are you nostalgic of?

Not any year in particular, though I am very sentimental, maybe too much (it makes life hard). But I have noticed that things from the early 1990s look 'normal' to me, because those were my... Dating

2 mo

What do I do when I’m not sure about a guy I’m seeing?

Yes, it's waaaay too fast. This isn't love. He shouldn't have said it, and you shouldn't have said it back. Combining this with your other question Is it okay to be turned off by a guy that cried... Relationships

2 mo

How do you not get discouraged in dating when you are rejected this way?

I'm sorry you experienced this. And that you haven't received more help or comfort on your question here. You tell yourself that it's about her own biases, ego, and that you are more evolved than... Dating

2 mo

Would You Date Yourself?

If I wasn't me, and was a totally different person, probably yes. But being me, hell no. One of me is enough. I need a break! Relationships

2 mo

Do you believe in life after love?

"I don't want any relationship for now, that I am sure. But I also don't want to feel what I feel now. I know three months after twenty years could not be enough to be over it, but I'm tired. I... Break Up & Divorce

3 mo

GAG CONTEST: What Does Love Mean To You?

Love, to me... Is exhilarating, exciting, joyful. Mesmerizing. Expansive. Love centres, calms, comforts. It is a tight hug, a shoulder, closed eyes, a kiss on the lips, forehead, cheek. Love gives... Valentine's Day

3 mo

Does voice affect a person's attractiveness?

Yes, voices are integral for me. I notice them all the time and am instantly and innately attracted or repelled. Some might be between, and especially when it comes to business or some temporary... Dating

3 mo

My boyfriend forgot when my birthday was?

"If someone is important to me I'd know every small detail about them" Wrong. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. Memory is not love-contingent. Some people really don't remember dates. If he really,... Relationships

3 mo

I slept with the groomsman how to handle it?

Yes, you need to tell your finance and deal with the backlash and consequences and whatever he decides to do. You have issues. You cannot be trusted. A person who could do this, and be so... Relationships

3 mo

What would you do if you had a personal android all for yourself?

You said we can't destroy it, but that is exactly what I would do. I'm against A. I.; especially robots. Relationships

3 mo

Do you tend to trust people easily?

I don't trust easily, I generally read people well, and I can be skeptical, but I also fundamentally believe that we have to take some amount of risk, and put our faith in others, or we would... Relationships

3 mo

What do you love the most about yourself?

I clicked on your q to see how other people answered, but I wasn't going to answer, myself. But I like what you wrote in the body of the q, so I will answer I guess. I am very affected by things,... Relationships

3 mo

Who do you trust more, men or women?

That's quite the admission on your wife's part. Must be some stories there, her distrust of men. I don't think either gender is more or less trustworthy than the other. I can tell you that I've... Relationships

3 mo

What is it that makes them treat autistic people like shit?

Autistic people have difficulties reading behaviour, facial expressions, body language, and in language, things like more subtle word choices and subtext. Social cues are not as readily read. They... Relationships

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