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+1 y

Could you be with someone who rides a motorcycle?

I was in the past. It would worry me, because it's dangerous. I never wanted to ride one, myself. Dating

+1 y

Is it okay for someone to drop by your place uninvited?

No, I like my privacy and like to know when to expect guests. I am pretty anal about my house being spotless for guests, so feel embarrassed if they unexpectedly show up when a few things are out... Relationships

+1 y

Do you have negative views on marriage?

I don't want to get married (but then again, I don't want a relationship of any kind), but I feel neutral about marriage in general (meaning I don't feel any way about others deciding to get married). Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Is it true that the right girl will walk into your life at any time?

It's possible. Life can be unpredictable in that way. As backwards as it seems, I've found that with many things in life, they always turned up when I wasn't looking for them. Or, when I have... Relationships

+1 y

My boyfriend has been accusing me of cheating. Is this a sign that he’s cheating on me?

I would say it's a definite red flag, unfortunately. He's extremely insecure and obviously doesn't trust you at best, which is also a very bad sign for the health and longevity of a relationship. Relationships

+1 y

What makes a guy leave his wife for his mistress especially if she’s a downgrade?

Those types of people tend to think the grass is greener on the other side, though they don't realize that sometimes it is greener is because it's over the septic tank. 🤣 Some are also... Relationships

+1 y

Do you prefer dating in the 80s or modern dating?

I don't want to date at all, but I think it would be interesting to see what the dating scene of the '80s was like compared to today. I feel as though people are much less social than the... Dating

+1 y

How am I supposed to live laugh love in these conditions?

Prices are going up like crazy where I live, it sucks! I always try to buy generic brand names for most things rather than Food & Beverage

+1 y

Is showing off your money a bad idea in a relationship? Should I hide that I have money?

It definitely wouldn't be one of the first things I bring up to a potential date. Once things get serious enough for you to trust the person, things may be different, but unfortunately money is... Relationships

+1 y

What would you do if you found out the one you fell in love with is taken?

I'd leave them alone, as I don't believe in interfering with other people's relationships, but it would be disappointing. I had a crush in high school that was in a relationship and I left them... Relationships

+1 y

Do you think it's more: "People being immature" or "People being selfish" that's ruining dating/relationships these days?

Probably both, as selfishness can often be a byproduct of immaturity as well. I see a lot of both traits compromising and ruining relationships. Both were factors in the end of both of my... Dating

+1 y

Do single ladies get more desperate around the Valentine's period?

Not me. It's just another holiday to me. I just like to buy a box of chocolates and eat them. 🤣 Valentine's Day

+1 y

What makes a woman a perfect 10?

It's mostly opinion based. Though there are qualities that are considered conventionally attractive (meaning the majority of people find them attractive), one person's 10/10 may not be another... Dating

+1 y

Should I breakup just because he’s a bartender?

I agree with the comments saying that someone will cheat if they want to cheat, regardless of their occupation. You need to develop trust in your partner or your relationship is doomed to fail. in... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Why do more and more women nowadays not know how to cook?

I actually think it's a generational thing (or at least how these people were raised, regardless of age/generation) with both sexes. The amount of people our age I know who think cooking anything... Dating

+1 y

Does staying single equal having a more peaceful life?

I would say it depends on the person. For me, yes, however, probably not so for someone who wants companionship. I just don't have the desire for a relationship or sex, so it doesn't bother me and... Dating

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