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First Date Questions Part 2: The Questions Not To Ask

So, I recently posted a mytake about questions you could ask on a first date. But more as a way to get a conversation going or steer the conversation if it's going into uncomfortable territory(not meant to mean just fire questions at your date like an Inquisition) First Date...

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First Date Questions/Conversation Starters...

It can be hard going on a first date. Nerves can kick in, "Will they like me?" "What should we talk about?" And, sometimes the questions you ask can say as much about you and your personality as the answers you give to questions they ask you... You don't want to rapid fire ask questions to...

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Don't Wait Till It's "TOO LATE"... There's so many things one can say about life: Life is precious, life is hard, life is stressful, life is unfair, life is what you make it. But one thing that's a constant is life is living on borrowed time and we never know when that time will end. For...

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Don't Play The "Blame Game"!

Disclaimer: These are my thoughts, views and beliefs about why there's so many issues with relationships whether it be between couples, gender, or race related... You don't have to see it my way, you can disagree, but please remember we're meant to be adults, so keep it respectful, Thanks 😘......

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Trust Is Always A Gamble

I'm writing this Mytake about trust after two questions I recently posted: Should People Card Someone Before Having Sex With Them? The first was after a user told me a story about how he was trying to put the moves on someone while on vacation until her father showed up because she was only 15,...

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Ditch The Double Standards.. Be Gone With Bias... Don't Alienate With Assumptions...

This Mytake is about the many double standards I see both genders seem to be guilty of, the bias based off hatred, and false, inaccurate assumptions..... Disclaimer: While I'll try to keep it from both the male and female spectrum, if there seems to be more examples from males, it's not meant as...

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"Say It With A Song" Sunday

Music is a big part of my life.... Not just because I lived with a musician for 20 years.... Music has always been my go to, when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I need an energy boost or motivation..... And while it can bring out personal thoughts/feelings/memories, it's also a good way to...

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"Wedding Vows" Have people forgotten what they mean?

Wedding Vows are not just supposed to be words spoken during a ceremony.... They are supposed to be a promise a man and woman are making to one another to keep to one another throughout their life together as man and wife....... The Vows "I, _____, take thee, _____, to be my wedded wife/husband,...

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"Victim Blaming" Why Do Some People Have This Blame The Victim Mindset?

Ok this mytake is a result of my recent question: Do You Think People Who've Suffered Abuse Have More Trust Issues Than Those Who Haven't? And a few replies on this post where it seems like blame was being put on the victim. Do people not see though that when you put blame on the victim you are...

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"Stay Safe/Be Safe" What Does That Mean To You?

So at the start of this pandemic, I saw a lot of people saying stay safe a lot,I did it myself. Which was heartwarming to see. But, Coronavirus aside, there is so many other ways, people are not being safe where they could or should be that I personally feel isn't addressed enough. So this...

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"BREAK UP" Time to Crack up

What should come after love ?(jokes) Of course break up (jokes) Breaking up is never easy... But, sometimes it's really for the best.... So here's some jokes (or funny truths) about break ups... Hope it puts a smile on your face... " I just can't take the bad sex anymore". "I'll always...

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"LOVE LAUGHS" Tickle The Funny Bone Time

So, we've laughed about boobs (thanks to @laurieluvsit and her latest funny mytake), testicles, and drinking.. So thought we should tackle that fickle beast called love (I mean boobs, testicles, and alcohol might not always lead to love but usually leads to "loving" 😉😉) Whether you're...

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"Advice" Take It With A Grain Of Salt

I'm not saying it's wrong to get advice or opinions from someone ever. Sometimes, we all get confused with our thoughts, feelings and want to hear someone else's point of view. There's just some reasons why the best advice has to come from ourselves. We're all different people. What works for...

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Accountability: Who Do You Hold Accountable?

The truth noone wants to hear or take responsibility for. We're all to "quick" to blame others. For our unhappiness. For the failings in our life. But the cold hard truth?! We are all to blame , we can't blame others. That's just a cop out. That's just a weak, bullshit excuse. Far easier to...

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Is It Really Harder To Date These Days? Or Are People Making It Harder Than It Needs To Be?

This is mytake on how I see dating these days and the things I see wrong with how dating is being done. Disclaimer: Now these are my views and my opinions. You don't have to agree. I welcome other points of view, but please do so in a respectful way, or I won't bother to respond. Any overly...

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What Causes Jealousy And What Are The Best Ways To Deal With Feelings Of Jealousy?

This myTake deals with jealousy and ways to overcome or deal with jealousy. Jealousy can be feelings of insecurity, fear, and concern over lack of possessions or safety. Jealousy can consist of one or more emotions. Some of these include: anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness, and...

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"The Dangers Of Labeling Others"! Do You Live By The Same Standards You Use To Label/Judge Others?

There is so many people judging others like it is there right to do so. So this is to address why we shouldn't label/ judge others. Anyways, but especially to those who don't live up to the same standards they put on others. I start with two inserts from BAHAI TEACHINGS.ORG(very good read) We...

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These Are The Things To "Remember" When Looking for Love

In my opinion, people put too much importance on things that shouldn't/ don't matter when it comes to loving someone. These are the things I feel people should know or remember when looking for a partner to love. Looks will fade with age Yes, we all want to be physically attracted to our...

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