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4 mo

Have you ever had feelings for someone and were too afraid to tell them?

All the time . Because usually it ends up with me being hurt and/or disappointed- And I'm usually correct because when I did tell them or ask how they felt about me? Rejection :| Nah, if I'm... Dating

4 mo

Guys, how often have you rejected a woman who has asked you out and why?

So yes, I'm one of the few women that will and have asked out guys before- Rejected EVERY SINGLE TIME . No, I'm not kidding. It usually resulted in me being friendzoned, ghosted, or given the, "... Dating

4 mo

Ladies, do you like when your SO physically lifts/picks you up? Guys, have you ever done this?

Never had a guy do that to me :( I'll admit I used to be chubby, so I was insecure having a guy pick me up, or I was afraid he'd say I was "too heavy..." and it didn't help my exes weren't exactly... Dating

4 mo

Why did you choose to be single?

Because I've come to realize I'm happier and feel better about myself when I'm single than in a relationship or trying to pursue one. Years of being hurt, rejected, friendzoned, ghosted, lied to,... Relationships

4 mo

Do you fear you will never find someone to spend the rest of your life with?

Nah. I've accepted I'm going to wind up alone and be a "dog lady"- and I'm okay with that. There are far worse things in the world: like being in an unhappy marriage or relationship just for the... Relationships

4 mo

Are you scared you will be alone your whole life?

Not really. I'm at the point of my life where I've accepted I'm not going to find a relationship, and that's okay. I have my friends, family, and a plethora of hobbies to keep me distracted.... Relationships

4 mo

On a scale of, stayed at home to totally wasted, how wrecked did you get on New Years Eve?

Was passed out before midnight under my comfy sheets, and was up early and exercised because I slept so well- So yeah, not wrecked, but starting the new year on a positive note! Holidays

4 mo

Was there Anything that Infuriated you Over the Holidays?

Yeah, spending too much money :| Not just on gifts, but EVERYTHING! It seems like I spent more money on food, groceries, things that broke or were needed... during the holidays. Very glad the... Holidays

4 mo

Why would a guy say he doesn’t want to see you again?

It sounds like he asked you out to see was there anything there- And it wasn't; that's why he ended things. It sucks but, welcome to being rejected! (sarcasm) Just because he's physically... Dating

4 mo

Is it a bad idea for me to stay with my ex because I can't find anyone else?

So you want to settle... with your ex of all people, just because you're afraid you can't find anyone else? Yeah, that's a terrible idea. That's heartache and drama waiting to happen. First of... Break Up & Divorce

4 mo

Have you, or would you, date someone who is average, a 5/10 based solely on their appearance?

So basically date myself (also average looking?) Absolutely. As a matter of fact, my exes and guys I had crushes on in the past could probably be considered average looking- no, I'm not being... Dating

4 mo

Is it traditional and cute to ask a girl to be your valentine?

Can't say I've ever had a guy ask me to be his valentine : But would I mind? Absolutely not! Sounds very cute and romantic. I don't think most guys do simple, romantic gestures like that much... Dating

4 mo

Anyone celebrating new years eve?

Nah, it seems overrated to me. I usually spend New Years Eve doing the same thing I do every year: watching the Twilight Zone marathon on the sci fi channel, gaming, and enjoying a quiet day off... Holidays

4 mo

Is a White Christmas overrated?

No, if anything, those that are lucky enough to see snow at or around Christmas should consider yourself blessed. I know snow sucks for some of you, especially if you see it all the time, but for... Holidays

4 mo

Will You Be Celebrating Christmas In 2023?

Well of course! Nothing fancy, just opening my gifts, and spending time with my family. But I'm content with a quiet day to be honest. The older I get, the more I enjoy quiet holidays doing... Holidays

4 mo

Any New Year's resolutions?

Nah, I never set resolutions as it's hard to stick to them and most people fall off the wagon before the end of the month. I just set goals for myself along the year and go after them. For... Holidays

5 mo

Are you usually your types type?

No. Hence why I'm still single 😂 I'm into guys that are fit, like to workout, eat, sleep, homebodies/introverted, and geeky- especially video games. Yeah the feeling isn't mutual- they just... Relationships

5 mo

At what age is it weird for a woman to have not been married or is still single?

There isn't one... Contrary to what society and social media portray, nowadays both genders, male and female, are single for as long as they want and aren't as judged for it... and most don't care... Dating

5 mo

Should I ask him if he ever wants to leave me?

Have you actually discussed how you feeling with him? Not to be cynical, but sex doesn't always equate love and happiness- as you're currently feeling. Sit down with the guy and ask him is he... Relationships

5 mo

Real tree or fake tree?

Fake tree. It's a 6.5 ft flocked tree I got last year- I just couldn't see myself buying a real tree, watering and pruning it to keep it looking good until Christmas is over: too much maintenance... Holidays

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